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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia and died in 1826. Jefferson was the third of ten children. His father was Peter Jefferson, he was a succesful surveyor and planter. He was raised an anglican; later in life believed in god and moral teachings of Jesuse Chris tand the Bible, but he did not believe Jesus Christ was divine. Jefferson married Martha Wayles Skeleton, their marriage produced six children, but only two survived to adulthood. Jefferson began building Monticello when he was twenty-six years old, a considerable landed estate he inherited from his father. He maintained Monticello as his home throughout his life. Thomas Jefferson is known as a founding father and a leader in the enlightenment. Thomas Jefferson is the principal author of Declaration of Indpendence. He was the first Secretary of State, the second Vice President, and the third President of The United States. Thomas Jefferson studied at the college of William and Mary, and then went off to study law. He spoke five different languages and was deeply interested in science, invention, architecture, religion and philosophy. Jefferson was publicly opposed to slavery. Despite the fact that he owned slaves for his entire life and had an affair with his slave, he was against the institution. It was believed that the reason he had slaves was because he was always in great debt. Thomas Jefferson died in 1826 in his bed at his home, Monticello. Thomas Jefferson only wanted to be recognized for three things: The Decalration of Indepence, Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and as the Father of The University of Virginia. Each of these are presented on his tombstone.

                                                     Works Cited

TheThomasJeffersonFoundation,inc. "Brief Biography". 1996-2012.Web. 17 Oct. 2012

- Alexandria Miller

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